Luna Cornata


Luna Cornata | 31.05.24 - 31.07.24

Obscuring the light is akin to naming what matters without pronouncing a word; perhaps that is why the analogue photographer imbues his intuition as the alchemist did before him in his laboratory.

Experimenting is the closest thing to living that can be done in a dark room, and like life, photography stains and invites us to follow the chemical trail of a desire.

When an image emerges, it must do so in the half-light because fixing what was is an act of faith linked to the sacred. In this way, stopped time traces outlines, landscapes and figures, which show us another way of being in the world. This is precisely what you can contemplate in this Punctum edition's five pieces.

Each piece is born of an analogue technique rooted in the past, which makes it a small collection of latent memories. Therefore, Luna Cornata is an argentic memory of the origins of photography and an invitation to continue believing in the transforming power of alchemy in the 21st century.

Isabel Hernández